Journey to Wholeness
“And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to bloom.”
An adventurer who immigrated alone to Australia at 22 and hitchhiked across continents, Barbara Brewster embarked on her toughest adventure when she was diagnosed with ‘multiple sclerosis’. Journey to Wholeness chronicles Brewster's commitment to self-awareness, risking personal change, and finding her spiritual core. Her deeply honest story of exploration, breaking habits, speaking truths, and reclaiming her SELF reads like a novel and has inspired many. As Journey to Wholeness eloquently illustrates, true healing is not so much about recovering from disease as it is about recovering from misbeliefs, negative emotions and self-inflicted limitations
With grace and insight Barbara Brewster shows us how even a life threatening crisis can be an opportunity to restore the memory of wholeness. And, when the memory of wholeness returns, there is healing. I highly recommend this book.
Deepak Chopra, M.D.
It's probably the most honest book ever written
Frances Horn,Ph.D., author, "I Want One Thing"
A most sensitive book helping us to learn to let go and to find our spiritual core. I am sure it will be helpful to many.
Gerald G. Jampolsky, M.D., Author of "Love Is Letting Go of Fear"
A courageous woman’s transformation unfolds as she endeavors to discover the relationships o mind, body, emotion and spirit to a disease that threatens to overtake her life. These become revealed as she tells her story with profound clarity.
Joy Young, Ph.D
A powerful and absorbing initiation into self-examination and wholeness through the crucible of illness … An exceptionally well-written, informative, and empowering book especially for women.
W. Brugh Joy, M.D., Author of "Joy's Way"
This book is dynamite. It just exploded for me. It's the best self-help book I've ever read. It deals with many of the things I'm going through right now. I know that reading Journey to Wholeness will change people's lives. It is THE resource book--I want to buy a case of them to give to everyone I know.
Eileen Whitelaw, Counselor and Administrator
I, too, have habits, patterns and behaviors that don't serve me and that I want to change. Journey to Wholeness tells me that I can do that.
63 year old woman
Journey to Wholeness changed my life...I've read it three times now. I keep reading it because Barbara Brewster's example tells me that I, too, can heal.
Woman undergoing terrible body changes similar to the symptoms of MS.
What a delight it is to read this new and important contribution to the field of healing. The path Barbara Brewster followed is practically identical to my own concept of a therapy of the Whole Person developed in the course of over thirty years' experience at Meadowlark. In dealing with a chronic illness commonly accepted by the medical profession as being incurable, Barbara Brewster has led the reader along her own path to recovery. She has demonstrated the great power of love in the field of healing. In respect to the body, this meant proper nutrition; in the case of the mind, there was needed cleansing of the pollution from retained memories of guilt, unforgiveness and stored up anger. This was followed by the visualization of her own new body-mind image along with the courage to accept herself as she was, on a new unique path toward the liberation of her True Self.
Evarts Loomis, M.D., Founder of Meadowlark
Journey to Wholeness changed my life...I've read it three times now. I keep reading it because Barbara Brewster's example tells me that I, too, can heal.
Woman undergoing terrible body changes similar to the symptoms of MS.
Ever since I read Journey to Wholeness, I've been thinking and thinking about what it said. It's encouraged me to do some things that are important for me--and I've decided to go back to school and get my masters degree in marketing and sales--which I love.
A new mother
Journey to Wholeness is an incredible adventure of healing and transformation. Barbara Brewster writes from the heart and speaks with the authority only acquired by one who is living life fully. As a person who understands universal truth, she is now "passing it on" so others might learn from her experience.
Reverend Mary Manin Morrissey, author, speaker, USA
A touching, deeply intimate account. This book should not be missed by anyone interested in the journey toward health and wholeness.
Larry Krantz, M.D., director, Whole Health Institute, Colorado
Deepak Chopra, M.D.
It's probably the most honest book ever written
Frances Horn,Ph.D., author, "I Want One Thing"
A most sensitive book helping us to learn to let go and to find our spiritual core. I am sure it will be helpful to many.
Gerald G. Jampolsky, M.D., Author of "Love Is Letting Go of Fear"
A courageous woman’s transformation unfolds as she endeavors to discover the relationships o mind, body, emotion and spirit to a disease that threatens to overtake her life. These become revealed as she tells her story with profound clarity.
Joy Young, Ph.D
A powerful and absorbing initiation into self-examination and wholeness through the crucible of illness … An exceptionally well-written, informative, and empowering book especially for women.
W. Brugh Joy, M.D., Author of "Joy's Way"
This book is dynamite. It just exploded for me. It's the best self-help book I've ever read. It deals with many of the things I'm going through right now. I know that reading Journey to Wholeness will change people's lives. It is THE resource book--I want to buy a case of them to give to everyone I know.
Eileen Whitelaw, Counselor and Administrator
I, too, have habits, patterns and behaviors that don't serve me and that I want to change. Journey to Wholeness tells me that I can do that.
63 year old woman
Journey to Wholeness changed my life...I've read it three times now. I keep reading it because Barbara Brewster's example tells me that I, too, can heal.
Woman undergoing terrible body changes similar to the symptoms of MS.
What a delight it is to read this new and important contribution to the field of healing. The path Barbara Brewster followed is practically identical to my own concept of a therapy of the Whole Person developed in the course of over thirty years' experience at Meadowlark. In dealing with a chronic illness commonly accepted by the medical profession as being incurable, Barbara Brewster has led the reader along her own path to recovery. She has demonstrated the great power of love in the field of healing. In respect to the body, this meant proper nutrition; in the case of the mind, there was needed cleansing of the pollution from retained memories of guilt, unforgiveness and stored up anger. This was followed by the visualization of her own new body-mind image along with the courage to accept herself as she was, on a new unique path toward the liberation of her True Self.
Evarts Loomis, M.D., Founder of Meadowlark
Journey to Wholeness changed my life...I've read it three times now. I keep reading it because Barbara Brewster's example tells me that I, too, can heal.
Woman undergoing terrible body changes similar to the symptoms of MS.
Ever since I read Journey to Wholeness, I've been thinking and thinking about what it said. It's encouraged me to do some things that are important for me--and I've decided to go back to school and get my masters degree in marketing and sales--which I love.
A new mother
Journey to Wholeness is an incredible adventure of healing and transformation. Barbara Brewster writes from the heart and speaks with the authority only acquired by one who is living life fully. As a person who understands universal truth, she is now "passing it on" so others might learn from her experience.
Reverend Mary Manin Morrissey, author, speaker, USA
A touching, deeply intimate account. This book should not be missed by anyone interested in the journey toward health and wholeness.
Larry Krantz, M.D., director, Whole Health Institute, Colorado
Type : eBook, Paperback